Sunday, May 13, 2007

Labyrinthitis Vitamins B6 12

visual Things: A radio on typography

The blog of Fernando Suarez (welcome to the blogosphere, by the way), outlines a Visual magazine article in which we talk about a radio station on typography. AWESOME
If you want to know the address, you only have to enter your blog: visual Things: A radio on typography

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Repair Water Damaged Artex

of how a design Mac is identical to one in PC

Mac or PC, the eternal question. Is the question that always arise when students are going to change computer.
that I review on this page have been proposed to search the differences (the author says no.) For me, this is a question of quality in the interface, where Mac takes the cake. Yet, years ago I had to go to the PC (everything is usually one) and perform all work smoothly.

is curious, as many professionals come to your portable Mac, students have associated block design and quality. Years ago, when we put them in front of a Mac for the first time in his life, complained about how rare were those computers.

best ... not giving up either. Here you can find reviews on the same ad designed from the Mac and PC: How a Mac design is identical to one in PC »Articles» Lewenhaupt