Sunday, April 29, 2007

Change License From Nj To Ny


Juan Pedro CaƱabate
, the U. Carlos III, tells us in his blog 'Corporate Communications' experience with typography. It is not the first time I hear someone who has rediscovered a source. And is that the rates go far, and employees in different ways, seems to acquire different forms. Further proof that the image can not be seen piece by piece, but as a whole, as a visual text. Only then will the parts make sense and are shown as they are, in this context. Thus, typefaces known to us as if for the first time that we contemplated.
The article in question you can find it here: A tumble

Friday, April 6, 2007

Betty Croker Pund Cake Mix

types Measuring the Universe

is an interactive graphic that uses the qualities of the scale on the image to compare and understand the size of the objects that surround us and the universe itself. Beautiful, well done and VERY funny. You can see by clicking here .
Source: Fontblog