The competition is open internationally starting on 26 January and ending on February 10, 2011 at midnight.
In this contest you have two ways to win, you can participate by one of the decks or queries, or if you want the two, just follow the instructions below:
1 bunch editorial Marseille Volume
Revelations 1 bunch or 1 Zach Wong Gilded deck, both in English (is subject to the availability of the deck)
3 visits of 5 questions
3 visits of 2 questions
custom rituals 3
For queries / rituals :
1. You have to be a fan, follower or networked google.
2. Fill out the form found on the blog and send response:
The message must answer:
What I like about the blog
What I'd like to read on the blog.
(Also note if you link, link, or going to publish this contest blog)
Check the boxes to see if you're.
3. The raffle prize among all those who sent their answers.
4. If you link or link to your blog, or if you publish this contest on your blog few with three entries.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a reader of the blog and do not have Facebook, send the form to participate in a consultation, there will be a special section for readers without facebook profile.
For decks.
1. Being a follower of the pages "ritual candles and oils "and" I like the tarot and I do not care if others do not "
2. Upload a photo to the wall of any page with your favorite deck or if you have one with a letter that you downloaded from the internet, even if you do an assembly is also important.
3. The decks will be raffled among the participants but the greater number of "like" more shares will have the photo. (The more friends you invite to vote for your photo more shares you have)
All participants will participate for the two prizes and all winners will be also a digital copy of the book of rituals with candles and oils.
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