I think this will be solved tomorrow and I'll let you know right here. The truth is that three days will be intense. As in previous years, the event will be the week after the bridge in December. begin on December 10 afternoon with a workshop on Visual Identity by Juan Carlos Fernández (www.ideograma.com). 11 On Thursday we will have a busy day conference of the most varied. We wanted to bring from newspaper design and graphics, to advertising design, identity, ephemeral architecture, web design and packaging. A program that will end this Thursday at 20.30. On 12 morning we put the finishing touch with two lectures by Vasava and Summa. the afternoon, four workshops will have : how to migrate Freehand (RIP) to Illustrator (by M ª. Angels Fortea) type design (by Andreu Balius), design of publications (Bruno Sáez and Javier Rodriguez, Mark) and one on computer graphics (thanks to the sizzling Pablo Ramírez, Matías Cortina, Rodrigo Pizarro Silva and Germain). Behold
relationship with the names that accompany us in this intense program (as in the theater, in order of aparción):
Fernando Carballo and Chiqui Esteban (Public Diaro), Fernando Sanz (actidudesmgz.com), Manuel Benito ( of encabaja.com), Jordi Soro (ateneupopular.com); Diego Areso (Public and quintatinta.com), the Packaging Co.; Alvaro Varona (Marca.com), Francisco Merino (mtvne.com), José Manuel Single (www.adn.es), Juan Roberto Vasquez (indissoluble), Antoni Sellés (Vasava), Tilman Sole and Vanesa Robles (Summa), M ª Angels Fortea (Bau), Andreu Balius, Bruno Sáez and Javier Rodriguez (Marca), Pablo Ramírez (Xplane), Matías Cortina (freelance), Germain Pizarro (Marca) and Rodrigo Silva (El Pais).
conferences and workshops will be held at the School of Communication at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.
No waste. I hope.
More tomorrow.
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