Samuel angel is dedicated to protecting people who are lonely, who suffer for love and they want respect. It is also one that protects against envy and bitterness. DAY: TUESDAY need: altar of angels 3 red candles
almond oil
two cinnamon sticks red ribbon Unge red candles with cinnamon oil and place them on the altar . tie the cinnamon sticks and transfer them all over your body starting with the head as you pray the prayer of Samuel. Arcangel Dear Samuel
I love you and bless you. And I pray
I keep sealed in a
pillar of flame rose of love and
worship God until we get
contagious whole life I
contact today and forever.
thank you!
Put the branches in the middle of the candles, lights each time you pray the prayer again. Let it consume and save the cinnamon under your mattress.
Much success